With music production and streaming capabilities becoming increasingly more accessible, as well as platforms like SoundCloud and Bandcamp entitling artists to streamlined music uploading processes, the amount of music being released today has reached historic heights. According to MusicRadar and Will Page, the former Chief Economist of Spotify, “more music is being released today (in a single day) than was released in the calendar year of 1989.” This uptick in music activity can be overwhelming for enthusiasts like me who want to experience it all. In August 2024, as an attempt to tackle the world’s discography, I kickstarted my initiative ‘An Album A Day’. As the title suggests, each day I listen to one album and compile my favorite track from each into a playlist or ‘volume’. This volume is then paired with specially-made cover art of my own design, which also serves as a way to exercise my design muscles on a monthly-basis.